Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program

12/22 UPDATE: 

The state of MA is excited to announce the release of the 2022 MA Climate change Assessment, more information can be found here


In 2016, Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker issued Executive Order 569 (2016) to establish a comprehensive statewide approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change. As part of this initiative, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) administers the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program. The MVP Program provides communities with funding to identify vulnerabilities and develop plans to increase climate change resilience. In 2018, a $2.4 billion Environmental Bond Bill authorized over $200 million to fund climate change adaptation, including both planning and implementation aspects of the MVP Program.

To date, 249 of the Commonwealth’s 351 municipalities (71%) have participated in the MVP Program. This has resulted in more than $17 million dollars in Planning Grants and Action Grants to implement high-priority actions identified during the planning process. Projects funded through Action Grants are wide-ranging, including the following priority project categories: • More detailed vulnerability and risk assessments; • Community outreach and education projects; • Local bylaw updates; • Redesign and retrofits of infrastructure; • Nature-based solutions for flood protection, drought mitigation, and water quality improvements; • Nature-based infrastructure and technology solutions for extreme heat and poor air quality.