Boat Excise Taxes

The Boat Excise tax is imposed for the privilege of using the waterways of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Monies received from Boat Excise are used specifically towards waterway maintenance (i.e. Channel marking, etc). Anyone who owns and/or moors a boat in Hadley as of July 1st will be assessed an excise tax bill.

Payment is due 60 days after the bill is issued, typically April 1st.

Late Payment

If a boat excise bill is not paid within sixty (60) days from the date of issue a demand bill is sent. The charge for a demand bill is $30.00. Interest accrues on the overdue bill from the day after the due date until payment is received. The interest rate on boat excise is 12%. If the demand bill is not paid within 14 days, the Collector may send the excise bill to the Deputy Collector, who will follow the same procedure and penalty assessment as indicated in the Motor Vehicle Excise section of this page.

Please see the Assessor's FAQ page for detailed information about this tax and abatement/exemption processes.