Tax Work Off Programs- Seniors and Veterans

2024 Tax Work-Off Job Descriptions

Hadley Veteran Tax Work Off Program Policy Guidelines - 2024

The Veteran Tax Work Off Program is open to a veteran, as defined by MGL Ch. 4 § 7 clause 43, who owns property in and pay real estate taxes to the Town of Hadley. The program participants name must appear on the property deed. Participants must complete between 35 and 67 hours of service in the program year, which runs from January 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024. A $1,000 property tax credit minus the required withholdings will be applied to the participants real estate tax bill in the following fiscal year, not the current years property tax bill. Applications are available in November of each year.

Senior Tax Work -Off Program Policy Guidelines-2024

The Town of Hadley’s Senior Tax Work-off Program allows seniors of Hadley, age 60 and older, and who meet income eligibility guidelines, the opportunity to work for the Town and in return will receive a reduction in property taxes up to the amount of $1,000 each year worked, based on the total hours worked, at a rate no less than the current state minimum wage, which will be $15.00 per hour as of January 1, 2024. This program is in addition to other tax abatements and property exemptions for which senior tax payers may be eligible. Seniors must own and occupy the residence for which property taxes are paid and credit is being sought.