Sanitary Sewer Overflow Notification Plan

The Town of Hadley Wastewater Division works diligently to ensure that the Town's sewage is conveyed through the sewer system to the wastewater treatment plant. Spills or overflows of sewage into a water body are extremely rare. If for any reason this occurs, the Town has implemented a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) alert system in accordance with MassDEP regulations 314 CMR 16.00 to notify you where and when the sewage overflow occurred. This is so all citizens can be aware of the situation and take any necessary precautions. When a discharge or overflow occurs, the Wastewater Division will send out a public advisory notification. If a discharge were to occur, this website will be updated within 18 hours of the notification. During weekends and holidays, it will be updated on the next business day. 

You can see a list of discharge and overflow events state-wide using this link:

To see sanitary sewer overflows in the Town of Hadley, select Hadley under the “Municipality” field and view results (if any).

If you wish to receive SSO notification emails, please send your request here.